Weekly Update - Week Ending July 1st 2022

By Blake Nichols |

Last week was pretty busy, a little back and forth with apple on releasing The Car app and getting the production environment set up. It turns out that apple doesn't like websites opened in your browser and requires them to be opened in a new view within the app itself. After I made those changes it does flow a lot smoother, so I guess they know what they are talking about. All in all pretty smooth as the issues were small. You can tell which day I was busy setting on prod on my GitHub Chart.

We had a fun trip up to the Shrine of the Sun on Monday. Weather was beautiful and the on the drive up was awesome. The shrine is beautiful with well maintained grounds. You can spend an hour up or more up there, depending on how long you stare at the views.

It was the first time I've driven up a mountain since we moved here and the views always amaze me. Ashley was quite a bit nervous, but she hates heights so of course I had to keep pointing out how high we were. I'll be adding photo support to the blog here soon, but if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you will probably see a bit more.

Weekly Update - Week Ending July 8th, 2022
Here we go!