The Team

Photo of Blake
As anyone who knows me will tell you, I'm always working on something. Some of these projects I've played around with before and others are new. Hopefully my work can make your life a little easier.

When I'm not writing code, I enjoy spending time with the family, hiking, baseball, hockey, and pretty much any outdoor activity.

Developer Languages / Skills
PHP JavaScript Swift HTML CSS Git
Photo of Ashley
When she is not busy with her own business, and even when she is, she finds the time to help me out with all of my crazy ideas.

Ladies if you're looking for a boudoir photographer, I've got the best. Check out her work
Photo of Samantha
Even with school, cheer, and friends, Samantha dedicates time to being creative and helping me design achivements for the programs.

She may be young, but nothing is going to stop this lady.
Photo of Austin
This guy shadows pretty much everything I do, including the "boring" stuff. He's always up for adventure and helps in any way that he can.

Watch out for this guy!