Recent Blog Posts
Creating an Apple Push Notification Certificate
By Blake Nichols |
Apple requires signed certificates to send notifications through apns (apple push notification service). Thankfully it's pretty easy to generate them and get
MySQL Tips
By Blake Nichols |
Looking after your MySQL database is important as it's usually the bottleneck for most applications. Here are some tips to keep your database server running
Setting up Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates
By Blake Nichols |
Setting up SSLs with Let's Encrypt is an easy (and free) way to secure the connections between your users and your web server. Setting it up takes less than 10

The Great Outdoors
Follow us as we explore Colorado!
Palmer Lake Reservoir Trail Hike
By Blake Nichols |
As summer comes to an end we are trying to get as many hikes in as we can before the chaos that is the fall semester takes hold. This hike was Ashleys first

Creating an Apple Push Notification Certificate
By Blake Nichols |
Apple requires signed certificates to send notifications through apns (apple push notification service). Thankfully it's pretty easy to generate them and get
MySQL Tips
By Blake Nichols |
Looking after your MySQL database is important as it's usually the bottleneck for most applications. Here are some tips to keep your database server running
Setting up Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates
By Blake Nichols |
Setting up SSLs with Let's Encrypt is an easy (and free) way to secure the connections between your users and your web server. Setting it up takes less than 10

Weekly Update - Week Ending July 22nd, 2022
By Blake Nichols |
With all thats been going on, I missed the update last week. Don't fret, I'll cover some of what has been going on over the past couple weeks. So buckle up and
Weekly Update - Week Ending July 8th, 2022
By Blake Nichols |
We are enjoying our first summer in Colorado and are really getting into the groove now that we have settled in and are (mostly) unpacked. The newness has
Weekly Update - Week Ending July 1st 2022
By Blake Nichols |
Last week was pretty busy, a little back and forth with apple on releasing The Car app and getting the production environment set up. It turns out that apple